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Been Diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder? What Does It Mean and How Can We Help?

Been Diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder?  What Does That Mean and How Do You Fix It?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, occurs when the ligaments and capsule supporting the shoulder joint adheres to itself.  This leads to pain and “freezing” of normal shoulder range of motion.  It is caused by an inflammatory process affecting the capsule of the shoulder joint. The exact cause of the inflammatory process is not known, but frozen shoulder is a very common diagnosis.

Due to increased pain with movement coupled with limited range of motion, it can limit your ability to perform daily tasks such as reaching overhead, dressing, reaching behind your back, and putting on a seatbelt.  It can also impact your sleep.

Typically, with frozen shoulder you gradually lose more range of motion in the effected shoulder and can start to have pain in other areas such as the neck and upper back from compensation strategies.


  1. Freezing phase (painful): The shoulder starts to become more painful with gradual loss of range of motion.  Typically, painful at night and with lying down. The first phase can last 2-6 weeks.  It can last longer in people with diabetes.
  2. Frozen phase (stiffening): The pain stops or decreases, but the stiffness is persistent.  Tolerance to sleep is usually improving during this phase.  The second phase lasts 2-6 months.
  3. Thawing phase: The shoulder range of motion gradually returns to normal. This last phase can last 6 months up to 2 years.

Three Stages of Frozen Shoulder Picture


If you are experiencing shoulder pain and stiffness, do not delay getting treatment.  It is best if you do not delay getting treatment.  Physical Therapy is often the key to conservative care for a frozen shoulder.  Flexibility and mobility exercises and hands on treatment followed by strengthening and stabilization exercises will assist in managing pain and restoring range of motion and normal joint mechanics.


If you are experiencing symptoms of frozen shoulder, please call our office to get started on the road to recovery today!










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