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Is A Pelvic Alignment Issue Causing Your Patients’ Shoulder Dysfunction?

Do you encounter patients experiencing persistent shoulder pain, limited range of motion, and dysfunction despite your efforts to restore glenohumeral joint mobility, restore anterior chest muscle flexibility, and improve rotator cuff strength? Feeling unsure about the next step? Have you thought about assessing and correcting pelvic alignment to address the issues? Many shoulder dysfunctions are […]

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Do Spinal Disc “Slip”?

What Are Discs? Intervertebral discs, fibrocartilaginous structures found between adjacent vertebrae, create a joint and link the vertebral bodies together. These discs collectively contribute to about one-third of the vertebral column’s length, providing a buffer between adjacent vertebrae. In total, there are 23 intervertebral discs: 6 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The discs are […]

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Blood Flow Restriction: How Does It Aid in Your Patient’s Recovery, Strengthening, and Healing?

Blood Flow Restriction: How Does It Aid in Your Patients’/Clients’ Recovery, Strengthening, and Healing? Blood flow restriction (BFR) has recently been gaining popularity in outpatient physical therapy although its origins date back to the late 1960s. While the history behind this technique is fascinating, it is not the focus of this discussion. For those curious […]

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To Ice or Not To Ice….Acute Injury Management

  The way we approach treatment of injuries and post-surgical patients is constantly changing as we continue to learn and understand how the body works. Over the years, ice has been a part of traditional first line treatment of acute injury management, but is this modality supported with the latest research? The History Clinicians, coaches, […]

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What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse. Although it is called “tennis elbow”, most people who develop lateral epicondylitis do not play tennis.  Several other sports and activities besides sports can also put you at risk. Tennis elbow is inflammation or, in some cases, micro tearing of the tendons […]

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Is Your Patient Having an Issue Firing Their Quadricep Muscles After Knee Surgery? What You Need to Know About Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition(AMI)

Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition (AMI) Persistent weakness in the quadriceps muscles and limited knee extension following knee injuries/surgeries stem from distinct changes in neural excitability; a phenomenon referred to as arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI). Comprehension of the pathophysiology underlying AMI is essential to the physical therapist as it serves as a compass for therapeutic interventions. Several […]

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PASTA; A Common Shoulder Injury

What is a PASTA Tear? PASTA is an acronym for partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion. To further explain: Partial: means the tear has not gone all the way through the tendon. Articular: There are two surfaces to the tendon, one is bursal, and the other is articular. The articular surface is the inner side of […]

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Superior Capsule Reconstruction for Major Rotator Cuff Tears

Has your patient had or been recommended to have a Superior Capsule Reconstruction? What is a Superior Capsule Reconstruction (SCR)? This surgical procedure was first introduced in 2007 by Teruhisa Mihata, MD, PhD from Osaka, Japan.   SCR is an optional surgical procedure to repair severe rotator cuff tears.  SCR works by providing the glenohumeral […]

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Shoulder Arthropathy

  Rotator cuff arthropathy is a sequential, progressive process of glenohumeral joint degenerative changes associated with chronic rotator cuff tears. Rotator cuff tear arthropathy represents shoulder pathology characterized by rotator cuff insufficiency, decreased acromiohumeral intervals, and arthritic changes of the glenohumeral joint. Often, in the presence of chronic rotator cuff tears, there is a superior […]

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