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Fax Us At: (508) 721-0100

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Program

ACL Injury Risk

ACL injuries are common in sports such as basketball, soccer, football, and many other sports.

ACL injuries can lead to future problems for young athletes.  Besides the possibility of having to set out an entire season due to surgery and rehabilitation, ACL injuries can impact scholarship opportunities, athletic performance, academic performance, and may result in long-term joint changes such as osteoarthritis.

The most common causes of ACL injuries include changes in direction, sudden deceleration, cutting, poor landing mechanics, or pivoting maneuvers.  Very few ACL injuries involve person to person contact.

Our physical therapists are trained and qualified to identify and target weak muscle groups, poor movement patterns, and limited joint flexibility and implement training programs designed to help prevent an ACL injury.

Who Should Attend Our ACL Injury Prevention Training Program?

  • Athletes who participate in high-risk sports for ACL injuries.  These are sports which involve jumping, cutting, quick starts and stops, and pivoting.
  • Athletes who, through our screening process, demonstrate movement patterns that are high risk for an ACL injury.
  • Athletes with a history of lower extremity injury or surgery.

Protecting Female Athletes: The Power of Injury Prevention Programs in Soccer and Gaelic Games — SPARC

Physical Therapy Innovations (PTIs) ACL Injury Prevention Program

Athletes participating in PTI’s ACL Injury Prevention Program will:

  • Learn to move correctly, including squatting, stepping, lunging, and running with neutral knee mechanics
  • Learn to properly jump, land, change directions, accelerate and decelerate, and cut to reduce stress through the joints and ligaments
  • Improve muscular strength, alignment, and control through the core, hips, and legs
  • Improve balance on uneven and unstable terrain
  • Improve stability and control in a dynamic environment to prepare to correctly react when an unanticipated movement occurs, such as stepping onto uneven surface or encountering direct contact with another player
  • Learn techniques to properly warm-up, stretch, and cool-down

ACL Injury Prevention Los Angeles, CA - R.A. Physical Therapy

Call today.

The PTI team offers evaluation and consultation for individual athletes of all levels and ages.  We offer programs including ACL injury prevention screening, preventative training programs and personalized performance optimization recommendations.

Athletes participating in PTI’s ACL Injury Prevention Program will:

  • Learn to move correctly, including squatting, stepping, lunging, and running with neutral knee mechanics
  • Learn to properly jump, land, change directions, accelerate and decelerate, and cut to reduce stress through the joints and ligaments
  • Improve muscular strength, alignment, and control through the core, hips, and legs
  • Improve balance on uneven and unstable terrain
  • Improve stability and control in a dynamic environment to prepare to correctly react when an unanticipated movement occurs, such as stepping onto uneven surface or encountering direct contact with another player
  • Learn techniques to properly warm-up, stretch, and cool-down

To schedule an appointment for a consultation or screening, please call our office at 508-721-0000

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